Feminist Disco

September 2011

Rachael House’s Feminist Disco events. Each day during her Fine Art MA show, Feminist Disco, Rachael House will be DJing with singles played on dansette record players.

As part of Feminist Disco Rachael has invited guests to perform, DJ and speak, putting the ‘disco’ into ‘discourse’.

All events are free and take place in Rachael’s exhibition space in Camberwell Art College, 45-65 Peckham Road, London, SE5 8UF. All welcome. Regrettably Camberwell art school has no disabled access.


Friday 2nd September at 4.30pm – Deborah Withers

Deborah Withers will present material from the Women’s Liberation Music Archive and will instigate a discussion based around questions of process. This presentation will offer opportunities to listen to the music and collectively reflect on what it means to consider acts of cultural production – and the wider trajectories of cultural memory – as grounded in processes, actions and events. How does it transform our relationship to history and can it?

 Saturday 3rd September 3.00pm- Lucy Whitman

This discussion with writer Lucy Whitman will touch on the politics of feminism, punk and the anti racist movements of the 1970s and early 1980s and their continued relevance today.

As Lucy Toothpaste, Lucy Whitman created the feminist and anti-fascist fanzine JOLT in 1977, and wrote for Temporary Hoarding (Rock Against Racism) and Drastic Measures (Rock Against Sexism) in the late 70s and early 80s. She wrote about women and popular music for Spare Rib regularly from 1978 – 1982. She was in two women-only bands: The Neons (1976) and Sole Sister (1981 – 82). Check out a recent interview with her, about women and punk by Cazz Blase which appears on feminist blog the f word.

Monday 5th September 5.00pm – Anne Robinson

Anne Robinson performance – Protest Your Love

A manually selected live jukebox featuring feminist favourites with an element of chance…

Anne Robinson is an artist working with painting, film & songs and is a senior lecturer in film at London Met University.

Wednesday 7th September 5.00pm – The Hissterics fanzine launch party

Fanzine launch for legendary 70s women’s band The Hissterics, featuring very special guest DJs. Refreshments available.

Thursday 8th September 7.00pm – Hackney Secular Singers

Hackney Secular Singers are the best punk choir in the world.

The Hackney Secular Singers (aka the Punk Choir) have been meeting every Monday for three years of co-operative musical bliss, devising alternative arrangements for new wave classics like ‘Psycho Killer’ and ‘Germ Free Adolescents’. Previous gigs range from Hackney Wicked Festival through the School of Life to the Dublin Castle with some flash mob singing in between… and they welcome new members! http://womensliberationmusicarchive.wordpress.com/events/

Blog entry 08-08-11

I am so pleased to tell you that the Feminist Disco successfully undermined the patriarchy in Whitstable on Saturday.

We were awarded 2nd place, as you will see from the photograph, and paraded behind The Red Wheelies and in front of Miss Sheppey. We had many debates about the ethics of accepting the certificate, and our concerns about being assimilated, but decided it was good to see the struggle/disco rewarded. The group photo shows us before the start, pictured from left to right are- Ms. Sarah Andrew (holding Talullah), Ms. Georgina House (holding banner), Ms. Cora Andrew (in front of Georgina), Ms. Justine Pearsall (in suffragette colours), Ms. Matilda House (in her Girls Rule the World sash) and me- Ms. Rachael House.

I hope you will join the Feminist Disco at a later date.

In sisterhood,

Rachael House